Favorite holiday: I like Christmas
Whatcha want? Ugg boots.
You just had a birthday (Nov. 18). Favorite gift? Money. I usually spend it all pretty fast.
When you're not playing ball.... I like shopping.
Favorite store? PacSun

You a shoe horde? I love shoes.
Favorite pair? Converse. I like the low tops.
Favorite place you've visited? I lived in Colorado for a while and that was my favorite place.Colorado Springs. I was a military brat.
Favorite movie? "The Sound of Music"

And song? Any Gwen Stefani song
People would be surprised to know ...I'm afraid of the dark. I'm a scaredy cat. I have a night light.
Collect anything? At my grandma's house, I collect really nice Barbie dolls.

Have you wanted to dunk? Always. They tell me they want me to dunk. I really want to before I graduate.
Who do you like to watch? Lebron ... I really like watching Maya Moore play.
Your signature shot? The stepaway jumper
Team you've always wanted to play? UConn, just to see how we would do.
Best hangout at NSU? The student center. Good food and there's a deejay on Fridays.
Best imitator of Coach Clarke on the team? Rae Corbo or Recca Trice.
What is Coach always saying? Good glory greens or God bless America when she's mad.
Your major? Psychology
What will you do? Either be a child psychologist or a sports psychologist
Other talents? I used to play the violin. My teammates say I can sing well.
What do you sing in the shower? Rock to rap. Gwen Stefani.
Favorite food? Mashed potatoes.
Why do they call you Biggie? In high school, I was always the tallest person on the team, so they called me Biggie.
Favorite web page (besides LadySwish): Twitter. I'm a Twitter girl.
Goal at NSU? I really want us to make a big impact in the MEAC championship-- do something we haven't done in a long time.I know we can.
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